My first brush with inclusion happened as a young professional. At a time when you can't control much and have very little influence. So, this was significant.
I didn't realise back then that I had found an inclusive leader. Plus it was an accident. I didn't actually find him. The opposite was true. He found me.
It all started when early in my career, I interviewed for a junior position in Learning & Development with a large tech company in India. I had a few years worth of work experience under my belt, and I was ready to spread my wings.
Inspired by this goal, I had travelled from a small town to a metropolis, and to an impressively large company with a sprawling campus. It was so large that it wasn't an office anymore, it was an entire thing! I was in awe, and a bit overwhelmed.
In my fluster of grappling with the scale and speed of interviews, I missed who exactly was interviewing me next. I was ushered into his large office - full of team photos and trophies. Despite my brave front, he must have realised I was a bit out of sorts.
This leader smiled reassuringly at me and made me feel comfortable right away. He was softly spoken, kept it conversational and listened to me attentively.
One last HR interview remained. I was already a bit tired and had serious misgivings about this adventure. (Or, what increasingly felt like a misadventure.) I secretly made a decision to try and flunk the next interview, so I could just go back home!
(I know, I could have simply declined their offer. Never one to do it the easy way!)
Then something happened, and it changed my career and outlook forever!
This leader got up and said, "it's nearly lunch time, why don't I show you to one of our cafes. Maybe, you could eat something before your next interview." We walked down together a long winding staircase. Then some more. Finally, we got to the cafe. I thought he'd turn around from there, leaving me to figure this out. But he walked in with me.
(Meanwhile, I still don't who he is exactly, and what's his name!)
He picked up the menu and said, "I highly recommend this dish. You might want to try this if you want". I smiled and suddenly felt less stressed and tired. This wasn't as scary and unfamiliar as I had thought. He made sure I was okay, then he went back.
He could easily have outsourced all of this, but he didn't.
My interviews must have gone well, because I got selected! I accepted their offer, and stayed with them much longer than I had planned or imagined. Inclusion had directly impacted my retention. Not to mention, my career grew tremendously, as well.
That leader was their Vice President of Learning and Talent at the time. Years senior to me in age and experience. Yet, he found a way to connect. He let me know in his own way that he realised this was a big move. And that I could belong there.
I wasn't the only one who saw him as inclusive, this was common knowledge.
Over the next many years, I watched this leader consistently show up with respect, inclusion and a willingness to engage with everyone. His leadership worked!
I had met my very first inclusive leader. Only, I didn't know there was a term for it back then. I owe a lot in my career to his leadership style and to his choice to stay inclusive.
Ever since, I've felt the responsibility to pay it forward and be that kind of a leader.
I hope you've met a leader in your career who made you feel you could belong. That you were visible, valued and appreciated. How did that affect your career and motivation?
I would love to hear how that made a difference to you. Do write back if you can.
More importantly, how can you and I lead in a way that helps people bring their best strengths to the team and organisation's most important goals?
Btw, I shared this experience in a podcast I recorded for the University of Adelaide. You can listen to it here called, Creating Inclusion and Belonging in the Workplace.
Best wishes,
PS: I've planned a few more emails like this one. So, you get to know a bit of my back story. Why I care so much about leadership and how it became a passion. What drives my work and my belief that leaders can help people bring their best strengths to work. I will follow these with 'RISE into Leadership' tactical and strategy-filled emails, so you can put these into practice and rise into your leadership (was that a bit trite? Oh well! :)
RISE into Leadership
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